Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This is a test this is only a test.

My technological capabilities are really being put to the test this

I started another blog in Wordpress (which I LOVE, but it's taking
some time to get used to), I participated in a "tweet-up" last night
(for which I downloaded and decipher TweetDeck), and now I'm blogging
from my iPhone (thanks to Connie (I'll add hyperlink later- still
navigating uncharted techy territory)).

Not too shabby for a girl who didn't get her first email address until
she went to college mumblemumble years ago!

And the interwebs hasn't even imploded yet!

I don't want to get a big head or anything, but I'm pretty sure I'll
be working for Steve Jobs developing the next state of the art
technological advancements before too long.

Once I figure out that email post/hyperlink thing.

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