Wednesday, March 18, 2009

World Wide Web Wednesday 03.18.09

Firstly, please be praying for my friend Emily. Our families go WAAAAYYY back- at least 25 years, but probably more. Her husband recently passed away. They have a little boy and she is pregnant with their 2nd child (a girl). I can't imagine the pain she must be experiencing during this tragic time.

I don't post much political stuff on my blog, but I found this article in Newsweek very interesting.

And finally at the great risk of promoting anything Britney Spears in nature, I just have to post this video of All American Rejects covering her song Womanizer. It cracks me up! And they're exactly right- they CAN do it better. If I'm being honest, the only Britney songs I've ever liked have been covers my some other band. This is awesome!


  1. I will definitely keep your friend in my prayers. I'm going to read her blog now.

  2. AWE.SOME video! I don't know if it's the in unison "wooh"s or the beer bottle clinkings that do it for me. Actually maybe it's the the accordian. Or the the teeny tiny cymbols (I have always been a fan of those cute little little person sized musical pieces of fun). Anyhoo, thanks for introducing me to the newest youtube video that I will be addicted to and risk getting fired for so I can show it to my friends in the teacher's lounge!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. That is so sad and I can't imagine her loss. I will keep her in my prayers!

  4. @LynnAnn- The beer bottles are my favorite! HI-larious! Hope you don't get fired. But if you do, how worth it was it to get to share this piece of enjoyment that brightened others lives? You can leave feeling satisfied.

    @LorT, Rachael, and "Fine"- Thanks so much for your prayers!!


    I love this website and I realized finally that the reason I've been singing Womanizer in a british accent is thanks to this guy.


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