Monday, February 16, 2009

"Not Me!" Monday 2.16.09

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


*I did NOT tell my oldest son he couldn't have butter on his roll at dinnertime just because I didn't want to get up from the table for the 83rd time. I would NEVER be so lazy.

*I did NOT get upset with my husband for not being home on time so I could run an errand before knowing that he was late b/c he was buying my Valentine's Day present. I mean, he was working on a super-secret surprise. No WAY would I get mad about that, even though I didn't know.

*I did NOT consume only a 200 calorie roll with butter and garlic salt for dinner, thereby demonstrating inferior eating habits. I'm the poster woman for nutritious eating. So I would NEVER do something like that.

*I did NOT get so fed up with 2 boys' tattling that I threatened to give them 1 swat every time one of them starts a sentence with the name of the other. And, hypothetically speaking, it did NOT take only 2 swats before the tattling stopped for the evening.

*I did NOT leave Missy buckled in her booster seat for about 10 minutes after she was through eating when we had company on Saturday night just because I wanted a few more minutes of uninterrupted adult conversation. My children's needs always come before mine. Always.

*I did NOT throw away EVERY.SINGLE one of my angels' valentines, and the candy attached to each one, without reading the genuine messages of love and affection they received from their classmates ("You're purrrrr-fect, Valentine" (cats) or "I have a great feeling about you" (Star Wars)). Of course, I read all 65 of them AND recycled them properly. What else?

Feel free to click the button above and add your own, or just read about all the other things perfect parents did NOT do this week!


  1. Very cute! I love these "not me" posts!!

  2. Gee, kids certainly give us enough ammunition for Not Me's! don't they? Hope your week is peaceful! :)

  3. I laughed REALLY hard at the last one. I am absolutely NOT guilty of that as well. Nope, not me!

  4. Funny. You threw away all the candy? Didn't save any for yourself.

  5. @Faith- Thanks for stopping by!

    @Suzanne0 Definitely! My kids give me enough blog fodder for dozens of blog entries.

    @MD- HAHA! Glad to see I'm in good company.

    @Rachel- Thanks for reading!

    @Kristen- The candy wasn't any of the good stuff. Mainly the conversation chalk, I mean, hearts, suckers (without delicious gooey centers), Sweet tarts, etc. No chocolate! What's THAT about?

  6. I would also not ever deny my kids something just because I had finally sat down for the eleventy-third time! Thankfully my daughter is getting old enough to get things on her own, even if she does leave the jug of milk in the middle of the kitchen floor afterwards.

  7. Hey fellow Texan SITS-er, your just a mom like the rest of us. Why would any of us desire just a lil me time when we have kids? LOL NOT ME?

  8. Thanks for stopping by today...really means a lot!

  9. HI!"Hope Now" is an awesome song. We are in Wisconsin, a bit of a trek for you! However my brother lives in Fort Worth and just started attending a church called "Christ's Chapel." Is that anywhere near you?
    We would like to post videos of our performances, we'll see if we have enough technical-savvy for that! Thanks for dropping by! :)

  10. So funny - and so like me! Thanks for stopping by to visit, and I think your blog is way cute!

  11. This absolutely sounds like things I would or would not do!


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